
It’s been 7 years and 10,000,000+ Questions since Stack Overflow was launched. The amount of good that has been done for the field - all the developers helped, all the person-hours saved, all the beginners who grew into professionals - is hard to overstate. I cannot express how proud I am of what we’ve built together (and not just because it let me see our arch-enemy vanish from my Google results); this community has realized the goal of "making the internet a better place" beyond what anyone could have predicted.

Lately we've been asking ourselves "what else could we do to improve developers' lives on the internet?". Jeff’s original announcement of Stack Overflow said this:

There's far too much great programming information trapped in forums, buried in online help, or hidden away in books that nobody buys any more. We'd like to unlock all that. Let's create something that makes it easy to participate, and put it online in a form that is trivially easy to find.

Stack Overflow has made all of that a lot better, but there's one area that is still hanging around: Documentation. Just like Q&A in 2008, Documentation in 2015 is something every developer needs regularly, and something that by most appearances stopped improving in 1996. We think, together, we can make it a lot better.

How would adding Documentation to Stack Overflow improve Documentation?

  1. Documentation is often an afterthought, obviously done just to say that it exists, with little concern for its quality. We've all seen plenty of this in our time. Bad documentation is bad We can bring a focus on quality, peer review, and "actually solves real problems for real developers"-ness to documentation that would be very welcome.

  2. Often documentation is lacking in examples, or the examples are trivial and don't demonstrate typical use. Because Stack Overflow benefits from constant feedback from developers writing real-world code, we could greatly improve the quantity and quality of examples. Let's be honest: finding examples is already a common use-case for Stack Overflow; we might as well embrace it.

  3. Much of the documentation out there is tied to release cycles, and thus infrequently updated and rarely "complete". The community-contributed and edited nature of Stack Overflow would be an immediate improvement.

  4. A lot of documentation descends from Javadocs, and while it was better than nothing in '96, it's hard to call framesets with unshareable URLs "good" in 2015. We can focus on creating the best UX for creating and serving documentation on the modern web.

What would adding Documentation to Stack Overflow improve about Stack Overflow?

  1. We've heard repeated requests for a place for broader artifacts to live. Less "a specific problem you are having right now," and more, "what is there for me to use." We think Documentation could provide a place for many of the useful artifacts that developers actively need, but we've been turning away over the years.

  2. Many posts are improved by citing official documentation, but today, that means using offsite links that are sometimes hard to find and that may break. Having it on-site makes it easier to find and incorporate Documentation into posts.

  3. There are Questions that come up repeatedly whose root cause is poor documentation. If you see a bunch of people struggle with Foo's Bar class, with Foo's documentation on Stack Overflow you could fix the Bar page and mitigate a source of repetitious (often exact duplicate) Questions.

  4. A smaller, but just as real, benefit is that it opens up more opportunities for giving back. Oftentimes we'll hear from a developer who has benefited from a Stack Overflow Answer, but has trouble finding a Question they can help with that isn’t already answered. Documentation adds many more opportunities for paying it forward.

The Plan: We need YOUR help to build this

The first step is to share some rough ideas we've been kicking around for what the Documentation "part" of Stack Overflow might look like and how it might behave, and get your feedback. This is still in an early stage, but most of the successful ideas in Stack Overflow originated from the community, so we want you all in the loop as early as possible.

The second step will be a private beta, where we break everything and make the team cry test out the tools and workflows, but not on Stack Overflow proper. There's a sign-up form for this further down, so keep reading. Private beta will be shipping in the traditional six-to-eight weeks.

Then a miracle occurs

Or we're wrong. Maybe Documentation isn't as exciting to the community at large as it is to us, or we fail to iterate to a solution. Maybe we can't fill in that step.

Failure is always an option

But we think it's worth having a go at it. Interested? Give this post an upvote, and sign-up for the beta. Hate it? Downvote. Questions or comments? Well we've got more info below, but do post any and all feedback you have at the end - we want to hear your thoughts. After all, Stack Overflow is you.

How Documentation Will Work*

* we think

Tags that already have involved communities on Stack Overflow, such as or , can have associated documentation created for them. Documentation is broken up into pages called Topics.

Topic page

Topics always have Examples and Remarks; other sections are optional.

Examples are collapsible and deeplink-able. We're putting them at the top of the page because we believe they're the most important - the information you desire is likely within them. We're expecting Topics to have more Examples than Questions have Answers, since Topics will be broader than Questions.

Because Topics are envisioned as being much larger than the typical Question or Answer, trying to compose them in our current editor would be painful. So we're building a new one.

The new editor

You can edit individual sections or Examples, you'll see a live preview, and your changes are automatically saved as drafts. We're still using Markdown and prettify for formatting and code styling, of course.

Anyone with sufficient privileges in a tag can create or edit Topics, and those without those privileges can suggest changes for review à la suggested edits. Those who think a Topic is needed, but cannot themselves write it, can instead request a Topic using the creatively named Request Topic button.

Searching for an existing request

Requesters first search for an existing request to upvote, and if they find none, they can then enter a new request.

Submiting a Topic Request

We're anticipating the typical good Request will be smaller than the typical good Question. A good Question has some explanation of the issue, a reproduction in code, and lists things that the asker has already tried. A good Request only has to explain the deficit in the Documentation. Because of this difference, we’re going with a much lighter UI in comparison to the Ask page.

For giving feedback on existing Topics, voting and flagging are available. These look very similar to existing flows, so they're not pictured.

All actionable items (request, pending changes, flags, votes, etc.) are aggregated into a dashboard view for people looking to help out.

Dashboard mockup

Each "view more" and tab go to full lists like in the user profile.

All this stuff is very early and very much subject to change; especially now that we'll be getting your feedback.


  1. How will reputation work?

    • You'll get reputation for peer-reviewed contributions to Documentation. Peer review may take the form of citations, suggested edit reviews, explicit voting, or a combination of all three. Reputation you earn from Documentation will be added to the existing Q&A reputation; there won't be two separate numbers. Obviously, we're still working out lots of the details.

    • We intend for participation in the Documentation parts of Stack Overflow to be about as rewarding, in terms of reputation, as asking and answering is in the Q&A parts.

  2. What can be documented?

    • We're thinking "anything you use through code" as a really rough guideline, but we'll ultimately decide together as a community, just like with what’s on-topic for Q&A.

    • For the betas, we're planning to restrict ourselves to established and widely used projects. We're trying to test out the bigger stuff first, to make sure all the tools and processes can cope. If all goes well, eventually just about anything that sees some Q&A activity will be fair game to document.

  3. What should be documented?

    • Anything where we can actually make it better. If a project already has awesome documentation that's easy to search and cite, then there's no need to duplicate it on Stack Overflow. We're interested in fixing what's broken with documentation, not just moving them onto Stack Overflow.
  4. What's the line between a Question and a request for a Topic?

    • Topics are broader in scope than Questions. In fact, we're expecting that if you "asked" most requests, they’d be closed as Too Broad.

    • Topics should also have multiple Examples, so a request that can be served by a Topic with a single Example (ie. one block of code) is probably too narrow.

  5. Is importing existing documentation encouraged?

    • No. We're hoping we can improve documentation, not just move it under the stackoverflow.com domain.
  6. What license will documentation be under?

## Register For The Beta

We’ll need to know three things:

  • Your email
  • Your Stack Overflow profile URL
  • A list of 2-5 tags you’d be interested in helping document

Please pick tags from the first two pages of popular tags that have an especially active community. Things like , , or so we can test our system out against the real things that lots of developers are using in the private beta.

Register and help Make Docs Suck Less

  • 155
    4 minutes - 15 upvotes? Who can read such a long post so fast? Aug 31, 2015 at 15:34
  • 253
    "We’re interested in fixing what’s broken with documentation, not just moving them onto Stack Overflow." - Assuming this works how you want, if a project improves documentation to the point where it's not needed on SO any longer, will there be a process to encourage users to go back to the project itself instead of continuing here?
    – Andy Mod
    Aug 31, 2015 at 15:39
  • 164
    I wonder how, in the case of something like .NET, this would be better than MSDN. Maintenance would be another concern generally. Things change. Aug 31, 2015 at 15:41
  • 32
    @Andy in the same way that a community could stop posting to Stack Overflow Q&A, yes. Ultimately the contributors control the content, if they're convinced to tear everything down and point folks at the official docs then that's fine. If it turns out we need to build tools for such a process, we will. Aug 31, 2015 at 15:43
  • 36
    @Plutonix read #3 on the FAQ again. They don't want to replace existing documentation if the existing docs are good enough. However, I'm wondering how we could somehow supplement existing documentation with better examples, because some of the examples and information on MSDN (and plenty of other OSS documentation) sucks.
    – Dave Zych
    Aug 31, 2015 at 15:44
  • 34
    Along the same lines as the concern indicated by @Andy, would there be some process to discourage people from creating 'usurping' documentation sets that have the effect of making other documentation worse (or, more likely, die on the vine)? The first thing that came to mind is asp.net-5 - docs.asp.net is really incomplete, but it's collaborative and could be made quite good with enough contributions. What happens when all those potential contributors do it here instead? (comment a little out-of-sync with your response to Andy..) Aug 31, 2015 at 15:44
  • 22
    @Plutonix we have some ideas about handling version releases (tl;dr version tables and inference), as well as obsolescence (tl;dr flagging and markdown extensions). This post was pretty long already though, so I cut it. We'll have some super detailed stuff when the beta starts, you're correct that this stuff is tricky. Aug 31, 2015 at 15:46
  • 27
    WRT point #5, if the tag wikis are the recipients of plagiarized content now, I can't wait to see how the documentation pages end up. I definitely like the idea though.
    – j08691
    Aug 31, 2015 at 15:54
  • 19
    Love the idea, but worried about visibility if this is confined to tag wikis or a similar corner on SO with relatively low "through traffic". Would this perhaps warrant a separate docs.stackoverflow.com portal? With a Google-like search field, a tag selector, and specific information around docs? With users signing up separately, as they would to a different SE site?
    – Pekka
    Aug 31, 2015 at 15:56
  • 180
    Maybe we could take this opportunity to improve licensing: explicitly dual-license code samples in docs as MIT, not just Creative Commons, so they're clearly safe to reuse.
    – Jeremy
    Aug 31, 2015 at 15:57
  • 82
    How would the project deal with the danger of documentational ghost towns? Say a bunch of people wants to create SO docs for something that already has decent documentation of its own. They may want to mine rep, or genuinely feel they can contribute something great but aren't allowed to in the project's own docs. Because the larger community isn't with them, the effort withers away quickly and leaves a half-finished pile of partially useful information. How to prevent that?
    – Pekka
    Aug 31, 2015 at 16:15
  • 65
    One of the most difficult things to enforce to maintain utility will be versioning. Here I refer to the version of the thing being documented. There is already much in the questions section that doesn't have good versioning and most of the time it works. How to inject discipline into the documentation consistently? Aug 31, 2015 at 16:27
  • 45
    First, I'd like to recommend that the design lend itself to printing. I still print out documentation and write all over it, so make sure there's some thought put into the printer style sheets. Second, you said "Topics always have Examples and Remarks; other sections are optional. Examples are collapsible and deeplink-able. We’re putting them at the top of the page because we believe they’re the most important ". I think this is wrong, and parameters and syntax should be required while remarks should be optional. And since syntax will usually be shorter than the examples, it should be 1st.
    – j08691
    Aug 31, 2015 at 16:35
  • 23
    I like the idea, but it shouldn't be part of Stack Overflow. It should be a seperate thing.
    – Jeroen
    Aug 31, 2015 at 19:02
  • 52
    Will it replace W3Schools just like SO replaced Experts Exchange?
    – Uwe Keim
    Sep 4, 2015 at 19:16

94 Answers 94


First of all, it's awesome to have community driven open source platform to structurize, crosslink, voting, commenting and discussing the data that are already on the web or not present for now.

For me, main goals are:

  • Make the place, where everyone can easily and fast find the data it needs for specific task. It should have the ability to make task oriented search.

  • Make the place, where we can see all variants of solutions of all tasks with the ability to vote, comment, discuss of it's good and best parts. Where can be also bad solutions (anti-patterns) with the detailed explanation of why it's not so good, and the cases when it's acceptable as less evil, it's very valuable information too.

  • Make the place, where we link together all those good articles that are already on the web, but it's hard to find it so far for non geeks or professionals in some things. And more over it's not only hard to find sometimes, but hard to prove if it's content is good one, because to prove it you must try it first and be a professional in this area to make some test and form an adequate decision. This is the most valuable aspect of proposal. Only large active community can contribute so valuable experts judgments on all the tasks and solutions.

  • Make the place, where people of different native speaking languages and different knowledge in different platforms and programming languages can work together on solving the common to all languages tasks. Because it's much more easier to solve the task if it's already been solved in different language, you only need to adopt it to needed syntax and dependency. The main problem for so many developers is that they are in need of solve the task which was solved before so many times, and many devs who solved it before has so many experience that can be useful for others, the results of testing and implementing it in real life environment, a real life problems which occurs in their particular case.

  • Make the place, for all type of useful knowledge, in particular, for such examples types (snippets, tutorials, guides, recipes, howtos, patterns, use cases, algorithms, best practices, practical advices, tips and tricks, secrets for andvanced, concept, technique, tools, overview, comparisons and test)

Main feature in examples section is analysis

Main feature in examples section is analysis of each example with explanation of it's good and bad parts with it's advantages and disadvantages, this benchmarking results and test suites, with environment and dependency specification. I think, in general many so called bad answers are not so bad, but good in some specific cases and i wish it could be possible to know in which cases it's good and bad. There are some sites (like RisettaCode and others) for documenting examples by task, but they lack feature of community analyzation and conversation of each examples.

I imagine, it would be a platform to search many different solutions with wide community analysis for every single task in programming world and in tech world too (administration task and others). For all tasks that can be reproduced and can be someone helpful.

I recently solves some task that i haven't find well published on the web, and i'm sometimes eager to contribute this new results to the world, but it's always to complicated and/or will not be visible by broad community. If it will be the tool to easily share my knowledge i would be very happy.

Outer linking with archiving

Outer linking with archiving (backuping, snapshoting) the linked version of a page in the state it was on the time it was linked ("retrieved on " field will be much good also for links and cites). It should be outer documentation archiving machine which will generate fully functional mirror of linked doc page. for example see If some standards will be created, we can use some sort of auto parsers to save the outer pages content for archiving purpose. We can use something like pocket browser extension for example, which is default and preinstalled in Firefox. It will make process of doc creating much easier. All bad about outer linking as we can't guarantee that it will remain later, if we rule this problem, it would be great.


One format, if it means terminology is hardly achievable, because every language can put different meaning to the same terminology. In this case, we should be able see all the meanings of concrete word in different languages(platforms,systems,tools and etc). And more over, terminology must be the vital part the beginning of each documentation.


We should have glossary for each language and API. It's one of the best way to find explicitly what you want.

Structure with different variations for each language.

I wish it's good to have some so called structure with different variations for each language. I think, we should take it from official sites, if present. It can be simple tree overview (map) of language. It's another one good way to find what you need, especially when you definitely know it was there. And there is no problem in creating of such structure because it's already created for many languages and are well known and familiar to devs. I don't propose unified global structure. But internal language structure of some sort (for example like tag wiki) will be much appreciated and useful.


Localizations is vital and should be planed from the very beginning. Localization is must have feature of modern documentation. More over, it should be possible to post new examples in different languages, because translation to english can be done by other man skilled in translating, it increases the chance of mass contributing. And more, some languages are invented by people which are not english speaking and there documentation is in other language.

Versioning, dependency, environment specs

Versions are one of the main aspect of documentation and examples. Versioning and more precise dependency list with all environment specification are vital information too. For me, the silver bullet for overcome versioning problem in examples is providing the full environment specification for each code example (it can be hidden under some Env icon in the corner of code snippet block and pops up when it clicked), go further if it will be integrated with auto testing platform we can have results without time wasting (it can be hidden under some Test Result icon), for that test suite need to be done. It will be great if you could integrate some tools to auto check code snippet in different versions (like 3v4l or travis-ci). With docker containers we can test language or tools in every environment we ever need. And more, we can give full environment snapshot (system image) to instant run with one click (docker containers can do this magic). In it's Dockerfile filosofy it provide a clean text (script) representation of way to reproduce any of environments you can ever need.

Comments and feedback are highly appreciated.

  • I like the idea to add analysis results/comments to the examples and I agree to your thoughts on versioning. But I'm not sure if we are really talking about another "open source platform" here. For me the focus is more on the documentation (give certain topics more room to elaborate, incl. useful code examples) and more specifically on APIs or language constructs. And I would question if your task oriented approach may apply to all areas? To give examples: yes, for common programming patterns and no, for language/library specific API functions (the task being an implicit to the API).
    – Florian
    Sep 11, 2015 at 11:07
  • @Florian i really don't see all the picture of what they are going to create about this documentation. However, i've read all comments in this thread :) and there are some which make me believe that this will be not just another canonical documentation, but something more. About task oriented approach, i believe it can be one of the good way (maybe the best) to find what you need. I mean, that it will be great to have many opportunities to find, such as relative links (cross linking), tags, glossary, overview, some sort of structure and task oriented search. More ways to find what we search
    – Mikl
    Sep 11, 2015 at 12:58
  • @Florian more about task oriented approach. At its simplest, Rosetta Code makes building a frame of reference for learning tools easier by providing examples of problems known to users along with solutions which use tools they're familiar with, as well as solutions which use tools they aren't familiar with. (cite of Rosetta Code founder). I totally agree with this. You ask: if your task oriented approach may apply to all areas? I think generally, Yes.
    – Mikl
    Sep 11, 2015 at 13:14
  • @Florian For example, for language/library specific API functions, we have a task find some node in xml, in php there are several libraries (with it's own API) you can use to solve this task. In one API it would be in one line, in other it would be several user written functions, and i would love to see them all this analyses of it's advantages, bad and good parts.
    – Mikl
    Sep 11, 2015 at 13:15

I like the idea, think good examples are the key and - as e.g. amalloy - I'm concerned about the quality of the examples.

Even being aware that

I wanted to add my thoughts (in an unsorted and definitely not complete list) on what general guidelines could help SO Documentation in making the most out of code examples for users:

  • Coding standards: there should be an agreement on a coding standard (per programming language) for the examples
    • I just want to prevent a mixture of coding styles and improve readability
    • Maybe even the coding standard itself could be open to the community and part of the new site
  • It should compile in most environments
    • This seems trivial, but to achieve this I think some preconditions - like key compiler settings - should be at least mentioned
  • Known keywords should cross-reference
    • As with other wikis or generated documentation (automatic) cross-referencing should take place
    • I like to click on things in the code and jump to "more information" (and it could get cumbersome and error-prone to do the required referencing manually)
  • 2
    About Coding styles. I think we can write nice feature (or implement already written one), which can afford automatically switch between coding styles. Some editors already have features to format code to needed template. It would be great if in UI we'll have a button to switch code representation, and more over, to write custom representation template, to fit evereones tastes.
    – Mikl
    Sep 11, 2015 at 14:46
  • @Mikl Formatting according to your own preferences would be great. If we continue on this line of thought I think we would get to features like refactoring and code snippets. But before we bring all the tools into the web server, it's maybe better to be open the web server to the tools. E.g. Visual Studio Developer Assistant plugin "puts millions of code snippets and code sample projects at your fingertips".
    – Florian
    Sep 16, 2015 at 12:08

I think having a centralized canonical repository for API documentation could cause us to become too dependent on that "one true" documentation format that people seem to be asking for. This will probably be fine for traditional SDKs, since all we have to do is slap a "web x.0" interface on that old-school style of documentation - the format that hasn't changed in 15 years, because it is working. But I think it could slow things down for the evolution of how we interact with web services, which is still in its infancy.

The currently accepted practice for a web client is to hard-code all the URLs for all the resources you want access to, and to assume that all those endpoints will be available, and will always be shaped the same way. If you want to be really sure, you'll use the URL that has a version hard-coded into it. The automatic "REST" documentation toolkits that are coming out support and almost enforce this style of thinking.

This style of dependency is making it so we write our own "official" clients, and ignore all the others. It's making it so we have to support a semver style of deployment, and are forced to permanently do the traditional lock-step update/deprecate dance with our clients, or cause them all to break hard on changes. It's SOAP all over again.

There is a better way (full Richardson maturity model REST, including HATEOAS, and newer API doc standards that are only just barely coming into usage/coming into being), but the road isn't well-paved yet. I fear that the evolution of solutions to this problem will take twice as long to invent and to spread if the old-school style of documentation gains even more traction, and gets in the way of this progress. The more shared documentation exists, the more we'll entrench the thinking that documentation encourages, and the harder it will be to change it.

We could mitigate this by actively working to support more "canary" or "bleeding edge" style documentation formats - like the various hypermedia media types, link relations, micro-formats, and canonical "profile" descriptions. Supporting evolving/competing format would cause us to forego a "one true style", though, except for statically-versioned software (which right now is the majority, but ideally will decline significantly during the next two decades). But having a single place to host and promote all these things could be a huge boon for progress!


By examining abstractly about why to document code, I think that the documentation that developers mostly search for can be split in three big categories:

1) What does it do?

It makes total sense: Developers search for documentation to find out what something does. There are many reasons for that: to find out if it covers their needs, to check if it does what they think it does, to understand the code and see its bigger picture etc.

2) How well is it done?

And again, similar to the previous one, many devs are searching for specific info about code, like time/space complexity, if there are better implementations matching their case etc.

3) How is it done?

Many developers search to find out how something is done for example in an API implementation, for educational and many other purposes.

Those things should be the base for this idea I think. There might be more things to it, but these are the first things that come to mind of any developer when thinking about documentation.

Now, documentation should be faced like something more of a just "good policy for existing code". It should be based on the same principle SO was based: "Get helped, help others, don't be evil". We write documentation to help others understand, and we expect the same (and everybody loves well documented APIs/code etc).

I think this is a great idea, especially if this changes the way we think when we look at our code and how understandable it is to others, or even learn how to document right as a community of devs of all levels and ages.


Actually this might be more a question than an answer: do you plan to provide a "localization" feature, so that the documentation/examples could be provided in multiple languages? (french/english/german...)

I understand that for a Q&A website (ie SO), it's problematic because translating the question and the answer requires a lot of work, but for documentation it seems easier (only the title requires "official" translation).

I think this could really help some people who might not be fluent in English to find some relevant documentation and examples in their own language.

  • 1
    Localization is must have feature of modern documentation. More over, it should be possible to post new examples in different languages, because translation to english can be done by other man skilled in translating, it increases the chance of mass contributing. And more, some languages are invented by people which are not english speaking and there documentation is in other language.
    – Mikl
    Sep 10, 2015 at 4:09

I'm a little sad that this will be based off of Stack Overflow tag scores only - could scores from other coding sites (such as Ask Ubuntu / Unix & Linux) be added on?

I got the impression that if I had less than X (I'm guessing X may be 5) in a tag, I couldn't participate (maybe I'm wrong).

Here I have 22 on the tag, and 0 on the bash . On Ask Ubuntu, I have 9 in , but 44 in Bash. It would be cool if these could be added together, so I could participate in the Bash section.


All in for documentation

There are a lot of projects out there that don't have updated good documentation. I have waited for something like this to come to Stack Overflow since there are many answers that serve as documentation.

Just an example: How to format a JavaScript date

Anyone in any tag probably knows an answer they use frequently as documentaion. Offical documentation can lack examples or lack any real-life use examples.

I think this is a really good suggestion to add on Stack Overflow. There will of course be problems, but the community judging will decide for each tag if they are rewriting existing documentation or other problems.

And we can allways raise a meta question if there are doubts about the documentation in general and tag documentation.

Enter image description here


Most of the answers here cover my main concerns, but somewhere in this mess it should be pointed out:

  • "Official docs" following a specific (maybe DSL) format could be taken from the repositories, reducing fragmentation.
  • Those who wished to contribute could do so on the repository itself.
  • Some parts of the documentation wouldn't need to be from a repository (i.e. ES6 documentation).

The other thing I think needs to be re-re-re-re-iterated is tagging, categorization, et al. That will be the biggest challenge.


As a project author, I think this could work really really well for us, if We can use Stack Overflow as the authoring tool, which saves to GitHub, in a documented format (which we then might choose to extract from there again and republish on our own site).

  • @JoshCaswell I was under the impression that when posting to SO, they own it and license the content to other SO users under the creative commons license. But if that's wrong, I retract point 2.
    – Evert
    Oct 3, 2015 at 8:39
  • That makes sense, I'm editing my post.
    – Evert
    Oct 3, 2015 at 9:25
  • Looks like the other comment got deleted, so I just want to point out here that you own the content you post to Stack Overflow, and by posting it you grant Stack Overflow an irrevocable license to use it. More details here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/18223/299116 Oct 9, 2015 at 18:02

At first sight I loved the idea. The thing which immediately came into my mind is documentation for , a tag where I am active.

I just added a similar case where the documentation is incomplete and spread over several places. The documentation doesn't even show an example of the output.

Actually, I have already asked Microsoft for permission of republishing a copy of WinDbg's help file online with the ability of adding documentation, adding community comments and notifications for interested users.

However, Microsoft never replied. And there's a big

© 2014 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

on every WinDbg help page. It's hard to overlook that.

So IMHO, this is a legal issue which may work for some products / projects but not for all - which is sad.

  • 8
    IANAL, but we're not talking about republishing existing docs. Writing up windbg docs on Stack Overflow would be no different than, say, writing a blog post detailing how to accomplish a particular debugging task, which is perfectly legal.
    – Adam Lear StaffMod
    Aug 31, 2015 at 22:37
  • 2
    @AnnaLear The problem is that if we're talking about documenting API, you're bound to paraphrase at least what is or could be the official documentation, if you start documenting every class/method/function/.... There isn't a million ways to document GetRowEnumerator. It's likely that there would be an equivalent to the FGITW problem whereby some users would start off by copying pasting large chunks from existing docs, so that in turn may require substantial moderation overhead. Independently of copyright issues, this could be duplicate effort.
    – Bruno
    Sep 1, 2015 at 10:56
  • If we're to consider this more along the lines of publishing tutorials, the larger the documentation is, the more editorial leadership is required for making it coherent. That could become more similar to writing books, which tend to require a good "story-telling" aspect to form a good explanation to the reader. In my experience, this rarely works well if edited by committee, if what's documented becomes quite large (more than what you'd find nowadays in a blog post).
    – Bruno
    Sep 1, 2015 at 11:00

Where will Stack Exchange get enough knowledgeable folks to do all the writing?

The existing expert base will be instantly split into two groups - those who write examples on DOXXX.SO and those who post answers on Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow's quality will plummet as there'll be noone to moderate the site and write high-quality answers.

While the novelty factor will undeniably attract some people to DOXXX, over time fatigue will return - and it will be much faster than at Stack Overflow just because technical writing is a thankless systematic activity quite unlike answering questions off the top of one's head.

I would support instead the development team's efforts to:

  • Improve Stack Exchange site-wide search engine;
  • Fine-tune detection of duplicates and related questions;
  • Provide for opening related questions' content including examples in the same page to make the experience seamless (each linked or related question should IMHO have an expander triangle next to it).
  • 1
    Good documentation can probably help close duplicate and redundant questions. If there's one good manual that answers 100 questions, that's 100 less redundant questions on the main site. Also, gaining rep for editing documentation seems quite the opposite of "a thankless activity". Sep 4, 2015 at 4:47
  • 1
    @AdamJensen - explaining what another dev designed is akin to slavery - one's creative powers are severely hamstrung. It's just like teaching vs. doing things on one's own. I'm skeptical on whether DOXXX will make folks RTFM. Sep 4, 2015 at 14:32
  • 2
    "explaining what another dev designed is akin to slavery" - it's very different from slavery in the sense that you aren't forced in any way to do it, and there's payback in the form of rep points. Sep 4, 2015 at 15:06

From a commercial perspective, this could be a great way to provide structure to the many different APIs and SDKs out there.

From my perspective, however, there would need to be a private option so that development companies like mine can use the tool to document our own private system APIs so that they are structured in a way that (hopefully) will be become a standard and be familiar for all developers.

  • 1
    They could always give the source and you could host it on your own servers I think if you want private. It could be a Discuss plugin Sep 3, 2015 at 10:46

A lot has already been written about the benefits vs. cost of the proposal (and in such a short time). I don't want to cover old ground, and with this already being such a long read I will keep this as short as possible:

I don't believe that the overall effort is going to justify the benefits of the proposal.

I agree that there are many gaps across various (official or otherwise) documentation sites/sources. I also agree that a key problem is often with using a function or feature. If you look hard enough you come across alternative sites and blogs with good advice (including questions on this site).

However, I don't see the harm if I post a question here asking how to use a function... even if it has already been answered. As already pointed out, it may be beneficial to actually sort out the site functionality so that duplicates are flagged a lot quicker (maybe suggestions are forced on a user before posting a question, possibly limited to newer/lower rep users). How that is done is another debate. In any case, it is irrelevant when I have a programming problem and I want to find a solution. I am going to spend x amount of time researching then when no solution found I will post a question.

With the proposal, you are creating a massive headache for maintaining a number of third party documentation (e.g. what happens if an MSDN article is updated... how will someone here know?). There will be potential conflicts with users constantly making amendments. There will be bias towards certain platforms. There will be confusion across different version. And so on (I would say the last few examples are found across multiple comments/answers here already).

The only real benefit I can see is actually having documentation on certain design patterns or multi-function usage... which is maintained through each release of an api / library. I mean the kind of high scoring questions on such concepts as copy/move/assignment in C++ (copy-swap etc). It has a high score because people found it useful. Therefore, these kind of examples would benefit from being maintained across time.

I don't see how having a tutorial on function usage will greatly reduce bad, low quality or duplicated questions.

An inexperienced user is still going to stumble across this site and ask the question. The proposal will arguably only benefit more experienced users/programmers who will spend time researching the resource (that took a large number of hours to re-compile from other sources).


In principle, this is great. However, we need to be honest as to how developers often use SO and take measures to ensure this use is not undermined.

Developers work to deadlines and often under unreasonable pressure from uninformed "lay" people.

Hence, developers often want to find a quick answer in two minutes instead of ploughing through twenty pages of documentation.

In short, if a developer is seeking a quick answer and is then redirected by senior community members to complex examples and lengthy documentation, SO will be more professional perhaps, but less useful to the over-worked front line coders this site serves so well.

  • Not sure I follow your meaning. The proposed site is aiming at ~1 page worth of content per topic, they've said.
    – Frank
    Sep 4, 2015 at 15:23
  • Brevity are focus are definitely something we want to encourage - you get to the page you want with a single Google search is a reasonable goal. I don't think anyone enjoys wading through page after page trying to find what you want. Sep 4, 2015 at 15:38

Would this apply to other Stack Exchange sites as well?

For example, I use Spanish Stack Exchange. There are tons of Spanish learning sites out there, but not many of them talk about one of the most obviously tricky things about Spanish (and, I assume many languages): the difference between similar words, aka. which one to choose in a particular situation. For example, in Spanish, there are two words for "to ask", "to be", "to know", etc.

Come to think of it, maybe there is something in taking the ideas behind programming language documentation and applying them to natural language documentation. Documentation != learning and most Spanish sites are very focussed on learning.


I think it's a great idea. But what about the case/s where companies require an NDA or claim their documents/APIs are copyrighted?

Will people be allowed to create documents for those and examples or???

Yes, I would love to always work with frameworks and products that are open source or that have open documentation, but it's usually not my choice.


Heck yes!

As the author of a couple of small open-source projects, I really want to provide some quality documentation, but it’s heart-breakingly harder than it should be. I’ve been dreaming of something that is:

  • Quick and easy to edit
  • Clear to read
  • Has great syntax highlighting
  • Encourages contributions and collaboration
  • Promotes good structure so topics are easy to find and search through

I’ve asked myself whether I should use:

  • Github pages/wikis/markdown
  • Readme.io
  • ReadtheDocs
  • MediaWiki
  • Google Docs
  • Another CMS like concrete5
  • Something else… (Could this be what I’ve been hoping for!?)

Some of the challenges I foresee (as many others have already noted) are:

  • How should it work on large projects with good official docs already. Yes, there will be duplication, but does that actually matter?
  • How do I structure the different types of documentation – API reference material vs topical documentation vs tutorials/walkthroughs. It would be great if during the SO beta there could be a particular topic or language which was developed to a high standard to be used as a template or prime example for all others.
  • Is the Creative Commons licence open enough for my project?


  • Ability to create private documentation for unreleased projects. This way I could develop the documentation while developing the project, and release it with the project. In this case the SO Documentation would be the primary documentation.
  • I think there should be a way to link a Question to the documentation (“I do not understand what it says here in the documentation” or “I have a question related to this thing which has been documented”).
  • I think there should be a way to link documentation back to answers (so we do not have to copy over the existing examples and explanations).
  • There needs to be a section near the top with warnings, when applicable. These would be high priority warnings like security issues.
  • System for linking to related documentation (documentation for inheritance, for example).
  • Area for linking to official documentation.
  • System for tracking which versions the documentation does/doesn't apply to.
  • Good documentation on what is and what is not allowed as documentation. It is VERY annoying when you spend hours writing something, only to have it removed because it does not match one person's interpretation of the rules.

I think an option to sync major documentation could be beneficial. For example, an agreement with Google where Google provides an official feed noting changes to their documentation, and SO has a system to implement those changes.

I like the Performance section.


This is an excellent move by the Stack Overflow team.

Suppose that a user googles something like this:


Examples are scattered over so many links, so the user might get confused, might mix up several plug-ins, and get into a big mess. So the ideal step would be bringing in working genuine examples, explanations, syntax, etc. under one roof.

Since Stack Overflow is trusted by millions of developers, geeks, nerds, etc., documentation on Stack Overflow will have certain parameters of trust. The feature of adding user notes to such documentation would be more awesome. Users can add their feedback, their code by using that feature, thus increasing potentiality of documentation. A similar feature can be found on the PHP main site. You can add certain repositories for enabling any user to edit the documentation.

I'm sure that this will be a huge hit among developers.

  • 3
    The "arch-enemy" of SO was expertsexchange, which not great to say the least, and has now gone from most google searches. The danger of what you're suggesting here is to make people who've already kindly volunteered to publish their experiences in their blogs or other places, including official documentation, the arch-enemy of that new system. Not sure that's a great idea.
    – Bruno
    Sep 4, 2015 at 21:11
  • @Bruno It's not the same as this experts exchange case. EE is one site, and it's only one line in search results. Blogs and other places are many sites and many lines in results. If SO examples will be popular it will be on first place in search by there will be all others sites too. Existence of SO examples will not be a reason of closing all internet geeks sites. Opposite it will accelerate the web progression.
    – Mikl
    Sep 10, 2015 at 5:05
  • @Mikl I'm not talking about where people search, I'm talking about where people contribute their documentation. You'll only get people to search in that new place if people contribute to it first. There's little incentive for projects to write their doc both on their official site and on that new site, which would at best be duplicate effort if not competition. People who blog about tutorials are generally quite happy to publish it on their blogs.
    – Bruno
    Sep 10, 2015 at 11:52
  • What I was trying to tell was: All documentations should be in one place, not scattered over google. A user should visit SO and should say, "Aha! All documentations are here! That is so sweet". This won't have any impact on people who blog tutorials. Even I'm a blogger who tries to educate people through articles. And I want life of a developer to be easy. This documentation feature of SO is a great movement in that regard Sep 10, 2015 at 12:03
  • @Bruno cross publishing is the way internet goes. And i think it's a good way, because of eliminating of one point of failure. Humanity, i think, shouldn't miss some knowledge if someone's blog will be accidental or eventually vanished. This site gives us opportunity to make our knowledge visible and easy to find to mass of people
    – Mikl
    Sep 10, 2015 at 12:08

I think it's a great idea. Knowledge seekers currently have to go to multiple sources - and many a times, the internal guts of technology are not explained anywhere - there is tons of knowledge in how a popular framework used all the powers of a language to make it so useful.

Official documentation and text books are often constrained by the time authors have to put in for documentation and most often, documentation is still catching up - A system at Stack Overflow which can revamp how documentation is done and organized can be a game changer.


The idea is brilliant.

The first thing I imagined when I read the post was the following: a source of documentation for all libraries available. You'll say that this is not possible, too much data. Well, we got 10 million questions, why can't we get 10 million documentation pages?

Nothing stops us! Imagine that you find a library with poor documentation (which happens quite often when you try something new) - all you need is to enter this amazing site (of course I am referring to Stack Overflow) and you have everything you need instead of struggling for 10 hours (for a single usage of that library, if you want to do more stuff, more hours lost)!

If the library isn't there somehow, then if you post what you obtained other people won't have to research the same things again! And then, more and more AND MORE libraries will be added 'till we get all of them! What will this mean? That Stack Overflow will be (if it's not already) the most important and used and useful programming website ever!

BIG Thank You to the founders of Stack Overflow!

Thank you image


I think this is an important idea, and as a new user, feel it needs to meet the following goals.

  1. Support for early questioners
  2. Support for new answerers

Support for early questioners

For people getting started in C, Java, and JavaScript, it is quite daunting. They post a "how do I start" post, but that gets burnt by too-broad, duplicate.

These are also pounced on by new-users like me.

Support for early answerers

When a new getting started question is posted, apart from pointing the question to the documentation site, the answerer should look to ensure the documentation answers the question. If not, update the documentation to include those details.


Documentation is a zombie idea that has been plaguing IT since the 1960s. Everyone always agrees it is a good idea, but it never works. Even though it failed time and time again, the idea keeps returning from the dead.

The problem with documentation is not that it sucks. It is that users can't read documentation, and if they could, they wouldn't want to.

This fact is pretty much the basis for Stack Overflow's success. If documentation worked, people would use it instead of asking questions on the internet.

  • 1
    Which is why we want examples. Oct 2, 2015 at 16:16
  • 1
    @PeterMortensen: Yeah, and then practical examples are better than imaginary examples. And examples of intersecting technologies are more interesting than single technology examples. And proven examples are more interesting than theory crafting. Which is why you have Stack Overflow :)
    – Andomar
    Oct 3, 2015 at 8:04

I share a few doubts such as fragmentation, but my overwhelming feeling is that you should just give it a go, for the simple reason that you cannot make things worse in the area of platform documentation and the SO community is large and active, unlike other communities.

And I'd like to add one point, hopefully not yet mentioned: when you start building this, it would be smart to think of a format that can be integrated into popular IDEs later on.

Think of it: you say the goal of your company is to improve the lives of developers. Wouldn't it be awesome to have usable documentation right inside your IDE?


Unlike many others I don't see a problem with SO becoming a sole source of documentation or with allowing for duplicates of documentation online. I do think that SO would need to have a rule of not duplicating other content and of always linking to any existing content as a reference no matter how poor. Simply linking to other sources of documentation from SO will increase the chances the other site will show up on Google search results anyways.

The one thing that could be pretty critical to SO docs playing nice with others is to make it really easy to embed SO documentation in other sites. That way SO could directly benefit the existing projects that either aren't organized enough to co-ordinate a move to SO docs or are too small for it to be worth it to move to SO docs officially.

I don't see any concerns about users spamming official documentation here because they wouldn't get up voted. They would get down voted for duplicating content just like existing users get down voted for duplicating questions. Enforcing linking to existing content would help more users get familiar with the existing documentation as well. It would be fairly simple to code a filter that would check for existing whole sentences elsewhere on the internet as well.

  • "don't see any concerns about users spamming official documentation here because they wouldn't get up voted" This turns out to be wrong, unfortunately.
    – jscs
    Jul 25, 2016 at 17:17

I'd love to see something like this be a separate site. It doesn't really fall in the scope of "Q&A" which is what Stack Overflow (Stack Exchange) is all about...

I think the concept is awesome, but I personally think it should be away from Stack Overflow (but maybe still managed by the Stack Exchange team).

  • Stack Exchange team is understaffed (design first and foremost). Branching into a separate project will lead to more problems. Sep 4, 2015 at 11:33

That is an excellent idea because Stack Overflow has potential to generate such documentation. However, doing that manually may be rather time-consuming. So can we do it automatically and users can manually edit it? Recently, I employed some data mining methods in Stack Overflow data and built a prototype website which may be potential to finish this task in https://graphofknowledge.appspot.com/. enter image description here

I also started it with tags. And given a tag, our website can return its definition, asking trend, fine-grained (yearly) knowledge graph, top-voted questions, code snippets (optional) and popular links.

Of course, it needs to be improved a lot.But it makes me believe that Stack Overflow can be used to generate documentation and documentation will be a good expansion of Stack Overflow


I admit to not having read all four pages of this, but I have the first three. In that time I saw (what I feel) the biggest issue only mentioned once. (Okay I skimmed the first three, so I may have missed a couple.)

One of the biggest problems with this idea that I see is 'What is documentation?'

The Major Questions

When most people consult documentation they are looking for answers to one of five questions. (I am referring to classes/methods/functions here. Data members (variables) are usually much simpler.)

  1. What Does This Do This refers to what does this method accomplish. Any good documentation must address the concept of what a method is for. What does it do? What changes does it make? For simple getters and setters this would seem trivial, but for a method which makes a change based on a complicated set of analysis, the documentation could get quite extensive.
  2. How Does This Do It? This is often overlooked, and needs to be represented. In Python, for example, when a method returns a value, it is often a memory pointer to the existing stored value. But what if it was a true deep copy? More memory would be consumed, a few more clock cycles used, and altering one would not effect the other. The How needs to be addressed.
  3. Why Is This Done (don't start screaming) An often quoted expression in Python is "Code is read far more often than it is written.", and this is quite true. If a coder on a development team were to die, and his part be taken over by a new coder, this part of the documentation would be essential. Not understanding what has gone before simply leads to recommitting the mistakes of the past. If a method were coded because it was needed to correct a problem that crept in from somewhere else, then say so. If it is a bug fix, then for what bug? While not needed every time, since the reason is quite often obvious, this is one of the 'big 5' reasons people consult documentation.
  4. When Is This Done This is another one that does not always apply. In many cases code must be executed in a certain order, or a new coming developer just needs to know where in a process to insert a new piece of code. To determine this, they turn to the documentation. If it isn't in there, then an excess of time is often needed to diagnose an answer to what should have been a simple question. Caller graphs are wonderful for this, providing a quick easily-viewed reference of the timing.
  5. Parameters / Returns (Values and Types) This should be a no-brainer, but it is often omitted, especially in languages where documents usually show the parameters in the constructor. The problem (which I address further as the latter part of this) is the new coder. I CAN code C. I suck at it, but I can do it. Figuring out return types from C code has caused me much greef over the years. Returns and parameters need to be explicitly mentioned for another reason as well. Overloaded methods, and / or languages (again like Python) which allow for multiple return types, from a single method. What is returned, and why, and (in rare cases) how it should be used, can be essential.
  6. The Other Questions Other major reasons exist for consulting documentation, and they often define what needs to be there.

    • What errors could occur;
    • What errors are handled internally (possibly even how they are handled. Swallowed, corrected, passed off, what?);
    • (For GUI-type libraries) What signals/events do they catch (are they aware of, do the send, etc.) and with what data?

The list is HUGE as to what could be needed. Perhaps a method needs to exist where what is required for a project/language/library to be set by a user or a moderator.

Part One Summary

In short, just like a programmer needs to try to find a way to handle all of the crap a user can throw at the program so as to avoid incidental crashes, a good documenter must also try to predict what questions the reader will be trying to answer. So good documents need to address all of the 'expected' questions, and if a question is asked repeatedly on Stack Overflow, or one of its derivatives, then it should (hopefully would) get added to the documentation.

Part Two

But that is the easy issue. The big issue will probably get me flamed here, but I am going to raise it anyway.

Audience Level

I have been slinging code since the Commodore 64 was a new thing, and I was building token ring communication for it before it was three weeks old. I say this not to impress anyone, for I am still an amateur (by choice), but rather to impress upon the readers the fact that I KNOW how to crawl documentation. I've been doing it so long I can learn the rudiments of any language from reading source documentation (probably).

Good documentation, and good example code, are most often written by excellent programmers. But, like anyone, they write a level of their own understanding. They most often assume a level of knowledge held by the reader that is far above the truth. I write Python code quite well, and even with years of experience and my fluidity with the code, I am baffled by list comprehensions. And I have yet to find anyone who can dumb it down enough so I can get it. So even though they are often 'best practice' I have never used one.

Documenting code by example means that anyone has to be able not only to read it, but comprehend it.

The next person to read a set of documents may be looking at the language for the very first time.

It is ESSENTIAL that all of these examples and documents be understandable by someone with very limited experience with the language. Especially since this will come to (if successful in even a small way) dominate the first page of returns from Google. So day-one-coders, week-one-coders, and self-teachers will all wind up here. It might in fact be necessary to (I hope not) to separate the examples from the documentation, or maybe even expand to tutorials and how-tos.

Conclusion API-type documentation is not the only thing needed. A developer working on a program using a library will need the API. But at some point he or she might need the developer documentation as well. Putting it all in one place would be the way to go. Examples, tutorials, how-tos, whatever Stack Overflow decides to incorporate, must be clear and concise, but complete is even more important. But over-shadowing all of this is simplicity. When I took my first ever look at Scheme a few weeks back, all of the sites on the first page of my Google search were quite advanced, so it took me a while to find what I needed. This has the potential to be HUGE, and rather than try to fix it later, it would be easier to set a standard now that will scale up. Stack Overflow started as a place where programmers help programmers, but this will turn it into something else, whether you want it to or not. A School. And if it is done right, that is a great thing. So professionals teaching the 'best practice' approach isn't what is needed in this part. This documentation project should, in the examples, show the longer approach first (for ease of understanding), then the best practice approach.

  • About your edit note- Answers are ordered by score by default- You can also order them by activity (editing or posting, basically) or age. Your answer is currently scored 0, and it sounds like you have the default order selected. (You can change it with the tabs at the top of the answer section.) There are answers with less score than yours, currently, so even though yours was posted later, it is posted higher. This isn't a forum, so the post order is dynamic, in an attempt to make the higher quality stuff float to the top and be more easily visible.
    – Kendra
    Oct 7, 2015 at 12:53
  • @Kendra I thought of/noticed that after the fact. But I leave in the foolish as well as the good, others might be able to gain some wisdom from it. Heck just look at what I typed. It could definitely have been said better (OK, I should have fixed that), but the message gets accros, and it's acceptable but not good form cause one to have to think while reading it, thus more sinks in. Good and bad both have a use. I am actually surprised it has a positive and not a negative rating, as I said many things that your average semi-pro or professional programmer would not like/ disagree with.
    – Jase
    Oct 11, 2015 at 8:18

To add another example, the documentation for the Python Google API (for realtime, Google Docs, Google App Engine, Blobstore, etc.) is extremely unhelpful, and I often find myself reading through the source code itself because it's more useful "documentation."

And sometimes I have to tweak the code a bit just to get it working without bugs. Yet from the amount of questions about this software I'd like to think that there exists a community that would be willing to create documentation for this, so it might be one use-case we would try.


I very much like the idea, and think that it could develop into a useful tool. I understand the difficulty with trying to create a hierarchical structure, but tags are difficult to sort through. Is there some consideration being given to semantic modeling? (it wasn't a tag I could use on the beta sign-up.)😢

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