I recently stumbled upon the Data Explorer and figured I'd give it a try to practise my SQL. I wrote a query to fetch all users that had received serial voting (here defined as having more than 10 posts created on previous days, which were all upvoted in a short time interval) on the same day that they received the Mortarboard badge. The result was a list of 83 users on Stack Overflow. I figured most of these users would have received a serial upvoting reversed correction. However, to my surprise, it seems that most of these users has gotten away with serial upvoting.
Here are a few example to highlight the issue (screenshots at the end of the post):
User 3261432:
Received on Feb 5 '14, within a 2 minute interval, 11 upvotes on different posts with ages 1-5 days. Happened again an hour later with 13 posts. Cumulated to >200 points. The next day the user received only a -25 points reversal.
User 1407020:
Received on Jan 13 '13, within a 5 minute interval, 12 upvotes on different posts with ages 1-6 days. Cumulated to 130 points. Never received a reversal.
User 3049546:
Received Jan 3 '14, within 10 minutes, 11 upvotes on different posts. Then, later the same day received 14 more within half an hour (in two bursts). Cumulated to >200 points. Never received a reversal.
A few of users have rightfully gotten a full reversal (such as user 2940056), but most have either been overlooked or have only received a minor adjustment (such as user 2931123, who got 37 points out of ~400 reversed).
With all this information, my question question is therefore: Have these users purposely been overlooked, or is there something wrong with the script that catches fraud voting? Because if something as simple as my query, which does not have access to moderator info (such as who votes on what), can find this many overlooked serial voters, there must, in my opinion, be something wrong.
Screenshots of current reputation for users 3261432, 1407020, and 3049546, respectively: