I understand that Stack Overflow wants to keep only good quality questions but if somebody knows the answer to an off topic question that will help the SO and other users that run into the same issue, why is there a mass effort to not answering the question.
Here is the scenario:
New Stack Overflow user with a little bit of reputation Asks a question looking for resources to get started on app translation Problem is that its called Localization and Internationalization and there are distinct differences between them.
I answered it with a link so that that user as well as other users could benefit. Not only was the question thrown into a Downvote frenzy pretty much eliminating all the SO reputation. The answer itself was then deleted by an administrator (I believe). By keeping my answer it will help someone else benefit from the same question.
Why do we go through so much effort to not answer an easy question. It seems counter productive.
Here is the post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25085717/how-can-i-offer-my-app-in-several-languages/25085782#25085782